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For some people, science is a difficult subject to understand, let alone remember much. This is very true and applies to me all the time. But because it can be sometimes complicated, we need some time off to reflect and analyze what we were really taught. So I did blogs.
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The link above showcases most, if not, all the important learnings in Science. All 29 posts are in full detail and took over 8 months to complete. This blog is something I can go back to if I forget a concept or topic, which can be extremely useful. It's like having your brain in text. These blogs weren't exactly easy either. You need time to actually reflect what you did in class in the past week, and narrow down the essentials, which can be a struggle. So that is why I chose this "assignment" (more like a whole project); Because of the effort, time, and research I put in it, this could be one of the biggest accomplishments and assignments I ever did in Science for the past 3 years.
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